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Lack of exposure to health information linked to high numbers of women not seeking cervical cancer screening in southern Ethiopia

A recent community-based study explored health-seeking behaviour and determinants for cervical cancer prevention and control in 583 women of childbearing age in Hossana town, southern Ethiopia. Health-seeking encompassed the intention to be screened in addition to previous screening for the disease.


The results revealed that 14% of participants showed health-seeking behaviour for cervical cancer screening, the majority of which reported that recommendations stemmed primarily from health workers, neighbours, coworkers, and family members. However, about 86% of participants did not demonstrate health-seeking behaviour for cervical cancer.

Interestingly, age, education, and religion were not found to be significant determinants of health-seeking behaviour. But the leading factors most strongly linked with lack of health-seeking were rooted in a lack of adequate exposure to health information, not actively pursuing health information, and poor knowledge. For detailed information about this study, read more here.


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